Kluge-Luftfilter GmbH; Pittlerstr. 66-68; 63225 Langen
+49 (0) 6103/40458-10 kluge-filter@t-online.de



NANOWAVE®-double filter area

Nano_Kluge_LuftfilterThe Kluge-Luftfilter (airfilters) company is proud of being able to process the progressive material NANOWAVE®. Thus we offer our customers the opportunity to save energy and money to a great extent in comparison with traditional filter materials.

The extended surface of the NANOWAVE® filter material is economical above all in long-term applications since considerable savings potentials can be used here.

You can find more detailed information on this new filter material in the following document. To open the document, just click on the picture.


PFD Document Nanopack – Click on the image to view or download the document.


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